Small Actions, Big Results...

Oct 6, 2009

If you take a piece of paper and fold it in half 50 times, do you know how tall it would be?

It would reach the sun. And fold it in half one more time and it would be the length of the distance from the sun and back. This is one of those puzzles that you have probably heard before, but it made me think this time.

Andy Stanley is often talking about how little decisions made today will most definitely affect your future. Things like cutting out a regular sized Tim Hortons coffee from your daily morning routine will save you over $1500 in three years. Or making it a point to call a family member once a week will change your relationship in a year. While we tend to focus on the big, obvious actions of our lives, its the small things day to day that really make the difference.

When I think about how something as thin as a piece of paper can reach the sun if it was simply folded in half 50 times, it brought me back to Andy's philosophy. Little things can have huge, life altering results. And the point is that we need to be faithful to the smallest of things that God calls us to. 

Because it just might end up changing your life.


Lesson for Today: A recent study has found that when pregnant women are exposed to the BPA chemical in Nalgene bottles and other sources, they have a higher risk for female children with aggression and ADHD...