On Your Mark, Rob...

Oct 23, 2009

Technically, Shane Hipps was the speaker after Malcolm. But since he was my favorite (yes, not the reaction most other people had...), and because I just got his book and want to read it before I comment on him further, I will move on to Rob Bell.

Rob had two main themes running through his message. The first was that leaders must fight hard against the time demands in ministry. He asked pointedly, "Does your spouse get your very best, or does your spouse get whats left over after youve given your all to the thing youre building?" Your spouse will be with you along the whole journey, so dont forsake them for a single project. Everyone needs something from you. But you have to make sure your family gets their needs met first, and best. God has given you your family to bless you, and for you to be a blessing to them: dont waste that.

The other thing Rob talked about was simple enough to really burrow into my mind. He talked about how a church is a eucharist, meaning good grace or good gift, for its town, community, city. And being the church, you, too are a eucharist. You are a good gift to the community God has put you in. But when you break that down, analyze it, and disagree (saying you arent fit to be where you are, others can do it better, or you dont do anything important), you disgrace a holy and sacred thing that God has put in place.

We do what we do because God has told us to. Thats as simple as it can get. And in ministry we have to surrender our agenda to His.

Like many of the other leaders, Rob began and finished with prayer. But two things he said in those prayers really stood out, and seemed to be the glue of his message. They are things I now pray for myself, and for our church.

Lord God, we give your Spirit permission to set us free. And Creator, we repent of all the ways we have failed to be ourselves.


Lesson for Today: I finally figured out that the website to create a free playlist to play most any song you want is playlist.com. Sweet. It only took forever. Oh, and while Im on a music topic, here is another one of Aaron Keyes songs. I love this one.