On Your Mark, Andy...

Oct 13, 2009

Catalyst 2009 was incredible. Worshipping, learning, and mingling with over 12,000 other leaders from around the country is an experience one doesnt get every day. So much happened over the past couple days that has left me with plenty to process. I thought writing would be a helpful way of going through all that I learned and all that God spoke to my heart... So here is each message, summed up through my eyes, in my own words...

Andy Stanley opened the first day. After each message, I tried to pull out the one or two words that would describe what had just been communicated. Andy's I titled "Service in Devotion." Using Joshua 5 and 23, he spoke on how we need to be more concerned with being on God's side, rather than who is on our side. The quote he used was from his dad growing up: "God takes full responsibility for the life wholly devoted to Him." In other words, do what God has called you to do, and leave the rest up to Him - He'll take care of it. We are meant to play a role in a bigger picture than what we can see. And if we spend all of our lives caught up in only our own life, we are leaving much too small a mark.

The thing that really hit me in his message was when he said, "You have no idea what God wants to do through you. You won't even know He's done the most significant thing in you until well past when its over." We get so caught up in waiting for something big to happen, dont we? Im one of the worst at this. I am constantly seeking significance, meaning, wanting to simply make a difference. And yet, all along God has used me to be significant in the lives of others. Too often I miss it because I am so caught up in wanting it. Andy reminded me that I simply need to do what God is calling me to do, and when I look back, I will see significance. A life caught up entirely in God cannot end without having made a difference. Our God is too big for that.

So trust. And rest. He will use you in ways beyond your imagination. Just continue to obey.


Lesson for Today: Being behind the camera is so much better than being in front of it. Talk about a lot of laughs.