On Your Mark, Malcolm...

Oct 19, 2009

Malcolm Gladwell was finally on stage - I had much anticipation and expectation for this man I had come to know, as one often can through someone's writings. A genius in many respects.

A genius, and yet his whole message to the leaders of today was wrapped up in one word: humility. Coming from a man who has been on the NYTimes Best Seller List multiple times, has his own column in the New Yorker, and has countless fans.

Using the historic example of the Battle of Chancellorsville, Gladwell taught that those who are overconfident in leadership are dangerous. "Incompetence annoys me," he said. "Overconfidence scares me." Because, most often, those making incompetent decisions aren't those in a position of leadership. But those in leadership are more prey to thinking they know how to handle everything, and their decisions made in overconfidence can affect a lot more people than an average man's incompetent decision.

"The world around you is changing, but overconfidence will blind you from it... In times of crisis, we need humility from our leaders, not daring and boldness that comes from overconfidence." And today can fairly accurately be labeled a "time of crisis." People need Jesus.

At the end of his talk, Gladwell was asked what will signal overconfidence in a leader. "A key sign of overconfidence is when a leader stops listening to those around them, they refuse to hear anything other than what is sure in their head... Humility is an ability, or a willingness, to listen to others."

It was a reminder that God calls us to community. Even in leadership. Or maybe especially in leadership. And the moment we think we can do it alone, weve already failed.


Lesson for Today: Malcolm Gladwell is really cool. Read his stuff.


Brandy said...

I have been waiting all week for who was next! This is a great reality check for all leaders.