New Beginnings...

Oct 1, 2009

Today is October 1. And with it, comes a new beginning. I continually forget, or perhaps just dont meditate enough on the fact that God is a God of new beginnings. Anyone in him is a new creation: the old is gone, the new has come (2 Corinthians 5.17). His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3.23). He desires to be worshipped with new songs (Psalm 33.3) and when we've lost our ability to sing, He is the One that gives us that new song to sing (Psalm 40.3).

The reality of a new beginning is so freeing. Its October 1, and God has given us a new month to sing new praises. As Ive been on this journey, I have tried to keep coming back to the idea of new beginnings. Every bit of newness He gives us needs to be recognized - and dedicated. God has called for our first fruits. But how do we give him the first of something old? It is in his gracious giving of new beginnings that we have the opportunity to continually give of ourselves, our thoughts and actions, our hearts over to Him.

Dedicate the first page of a new prayer journal to praising Him. Dedicate the first day back to work from vacation to focusing your mind on who God is, rather than diving right in to all there is to catch up on. Dedicate the first day of the month to spending extra time with God, asking what purposes He holds for you in that month. Wake up every morning and dedicate the first minutes to thanking Him for His mercies that are renewed. Again:

Every bit of newness He gives us needs to be recognized - and dedicated.

Isn't He worthy of that?


Lesson for Today: Awesome worship song. Thanks, Jaim.