The Secret to Life...

Jul 15, 2008

This is not how God works. He does not make spare parts. You are not a spare part. You have a purpose - a design that is central to God's dream for the human race.... Here is the story of your life: You are on a mission from God.
I know that I have made a claim with the title of this post that makes it seem like a serious oversimplification. No one really knows the secret to life, or else theyd be rich and wed all be living much better lives than we are now. But think again. There is a secret to life, and weve been given that precious knowledge. We just choose not to use it. What is this 'secret' that will change the way we live?
As a crucial part of your calling, you were given certain gifts, talents, longings, and desires. To identify these with clarity, to develop them with skill, and to use them joyfully and humbly to serve God and his creation is central to why you were created.
To know the reason we were created gives us purpose, meaning, and significance in life. All of these things are what we are truly seeking. Underneath the drive for money, fame, status, and everything else is our inate desire for meaning. To serve God to the best of our ability, with the gifts He has given us - that is the key to significance. It seems so complicated, and yet its not. Life can at times hit us in such a way that we make it harder than it has to be. But there it is - the secret to life.

To further the point, I thought this story was pretty powerful as well:
There is an old Hasidic story in which everyone is commanded to wear a coat with two pockets to receive messages from God. In one pocket is written: You are nothing but one of millions upon millions of grains of sand in the universe. In the other pocket it says: I made the universe just for you.
Significance to be sure.


Lesson for Today: Answered get to know you questions can be extremely hilarious, strangely depressing, or any gamut of emotions in between.


Andrew said...

Unless, He intended for us to be spare parts. His idea of "spare" may not meet our definition of "spare." Some of us could be spare, all of us could be spare. Who are we to read a God's mind? Let alone a god that may not even be there.