Lunch Time...

Jul 14, 2008

Last week, the interns had lunch with Mark Early and Chuck Colson, on separate days. It was two of the best parts about worldview week. Being able to have lunch and hear what they had to say to us, take in what they wanted to impart, ask questions and get answers... It was a good time. To put it lightly.

The best part about lunch with Mark was hearing his testimony. Ive mentioned in earlier posts about his attitude adjustment from God, and how he went from being attorney general to president of PF. Well, we got to hear an even more in depth description of that process, and in his own words. The part that really caught me was when he was describing the change in his perception of prisoners. It happened through the stories of Moses and Paul, as God showed him that he used these murders to accomplish His will. And not only that, they are arguably two of the most important figures in Biblical history. But they both started off with criminal records. Mark said (or something along these lines...), "I always used to think that the bad things people did disqualified them, not from salvation, but from use. But through the stories of Moses and Paul, I realized the opposite is the case." God's strength is made perfect in weakness. I dont know how many times we need to hear it before it rings true. Often times, the bad things people have done and turned away from are exactly what qualify them FOR use, not disqualify them from it. Not only for prisoners, but for all the other sinners walking free. Sinners like you and me. It makes me so grateful to think about how God not only loves me, not only forgives me, not only saves me... but uses me, in spite of my sin. Glory.

He also went on to say something similar to the following: "We do not go into prisons as a rescue mission at the gates of hell. We could do that anywhere. We could do that on the streets, in homeless shelters, or even in the church as there are plenty of sinners there. We do not go into the prisons because the people are so bad. We go in because we believe God is going to raise the next generation of leaders and catalysts for change from behind prison walls." I cannot tell you how many times I have heard leaders of this ministry talk about how God is bringing revival through the prison population. And talking to those who have been transformed behind bars, I can see it. I can see it coming. God is most certainly moving.

Lunch with Chuck was also interesting, and moving. (We got to have our picture taken with him at the end as well. A facebook profile picture if ever there was one.) He told us of how this ministry has changed so many lives. He told us of his meetings with the president and the ways God has worked through networks. He encouraged us in our faith and our understanding of the faith. He told us of how his relationship with his wife Patty made such a difference to this ministry as they journeyed and ministered together. But then he told us this: "People come up to me often and they say, 'You know, we like what you do, but we dont like your religion.' But what I do is because of my religion. I cannot separate the two." He told us of times that he had to take a stand, times where it would have been easier to take more of a social justice position than a Christian charity position. But then he would have been denying the very man that saved his soul. His integrity amazed me, and inspired me.

Both of these men had so much to offer us. They have so much to offer the world. And yet, I come to think that they are the same as everyone else. The difference is simply that they have opened their arms and said, "Lord, Im willing." Thats all it takes. When we come to the place where that is our true heart's desire, He can take it from there. Thats pretty exciting. At least it is from where Im sitting.


Lesson for Today: There are only so many "get to know you" questions that one can think of before it starts turning into serious rewording of the exact same questions...