To Embrace Suffering...

Jun 23, 2008

This morning I sat through an interesting staff meeting, talking about Board Decisions regarding different aspects of the ministry. It was good to be there, and learn more about how the ministry works in process, not just vision. But I couldnt quite pay attention, as my mind was still on the topic of devotions that began the meeting.

Using verses like Romans 8.17-18 ("I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us."), 1 Peter 4.16 ("...if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name..."), and Acts 5.41 ("The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name."), we discussed the role suffering plays in our lives as Christians.

The reason I was so caught up with it during the meeting, and all day, is not because I havent heard the topic before, or even because it hit me in a new way. I have been so focused on this morning's devotions because of the story that was used to press home the point.

Esther and Phil, 29, have been missionaries overseas for close to 2 years. They have a been blessed with a baby girl, Anna, and a growing ministry. Three weeks ago, Phil contracted Dengue fever. On June 14, he went in for more testing and, while the Dengue fever was getting better, they found a bacterial infection in his system that caused his breathing to be severely labored. The next day, he was admitted to the hospital for pneumonia and transferred to the ICU. On June 16, Phil died.

It all happened so quickly. But somehow, Esther walked through it like she had been prepared. On June 16, the day Phil died, her blog was entitled, "Perfect Faithfulness," a reference to Isaiah 25.1. This was a verse that Phil had long ago made the two of them memorize, knowing that they would need something to hold on to during their journey together: "O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago."

To be able to declare the perfect faithfulness of the Lord on the day your husband and father of your child dies... It shows complete and utter abandonment to the Almighty, a trust that goes beyond lip service or a false front. His strength in her is something that humbles me.

She wrote on June 17, after a small memorial service in their town, of how she rejoiced as the gospel was shared with several unbelievers who attended: "But the Lord is so good. I couldnt have imagined a service much more the way Phil would have wanted it... Four people went up and shared the gospel. Each in the unique way and how sure we were that he was with the Lord. It was great. People keep saying what a legacy he left here in such a short amount of time."

God, grant us the strength to so wholly embrace suffering as a way to walk in the likeness of your Son, that we declare you perfectly faithful in every situation.


Lesson for Today: Interesting article showing the ever consuming struggle of separation of church and state...