Theres No Such Thing?...

Sep 8, 2009

Ive been reading Malcolm Gladwell's Blink. Its a really interesting read on what goes on inside our subconscious, how we make decisions in a "blink" of time without thinking about them, and how those decisions can be right or wrong, depending.

In the conclusion of his book, he writes about how having too much information can be detrimental to our judgement.

We live in a world saturated with information. We have virtually unlimited amounts of data at our fingertips at all times, and we're well versed in the arguments about the dangers of not knowing enough and not doing our homework. But what I have sensed is an enormous frustration with the unexpected costs of knowing too much, of being inundated with information. We have come to confuse information with understanding.

I was hit a little unexpectedly by that point. Its true that our world today gives us the ability to access any piece of information in mere seconds - milliseconds even. We can know almost anything about anything. And we think thats helped us.

Yes, it provides for ease. It speeds up trends. It moves us at a faster pace. But do we take it for what is? That all we are gaining is knowledge and information, not understanding? Or do we think we are a better people because our brains are filled more than the previous generation?

When I read Gladwell's quote, I thought of the song I used to hear on the radio as a kid, "Too Much Fun," by Daryle Singletary. "Too much fun, what's that mean? Its like too much money, theres no such thing. Its like a girl too pretty, with too much class. Being too lucky. A car to fast. No matter what they say Ive done.. Well, I aint never had too much fun." In our age today, we dont know what "too much" is. Isnt more always better? No, not always. Not when we think enough of one thing makes up for a lack of another. Not when we think information can take the place of understanding. For God has declared, "...a people without understanding will come to ruin!" (Hosea 4.14)

Sometimes, I think Gladwell is right - there IS such a thing as too much information.


Lesson for Today: Some people really know what it is to take advantage of a deal. 31 days of travel, spending 12 hours in each city. Way to go Joe and Clark.