Therefore, Go...

Sep 2, 2009

...You know me... You discern my going out and my lying down... You hem me in behind... and before... You lay Your hand upon me... for darkness is as light to You... You created my inmost being... You knit me together... I praise you... I am made... I was woven together... Your eyes saw... days ordained for me... I am still with you... search me... know my heart... lead me...
Psalm 139

Have you ever thought of how God made us for a specific purpose, but we cant fulfill that until we know what it is? Is my purpose the same as yours? Is yours the same as his? Or is it like hers? No, its YOURS. God created you, with a very specific plan and purpose in mind. He created you to do something totally different than he created me to do. He created Moses to go, He created Jeremiah to weep, He created Hosea to love relentlessly. Our purposes are definitively NOT the same. Some are called to reach out to hurting women, others are called to youth, others are called to parents in crisis... The list goes on. What is your purpose?

I found out my purpose this week. After 22 years, I now know what gifts and talents, strengths and abilities God has knit together inside of me, and I know for what purpose He did so. He created me to "Reform to Alleviate." And the freedom in knowing that gives me a joy and excitement beyond what I have known before. 

Life Purpose Coaching "asks questions that unlock your stories and lead you into a discovery of purpose that empowers you the rest of your life." Through this process, the Holy Spirit led me to realize what my specific part is in furthering the Father's plans here on this earth. "Seventy years are given to us! Some even live to eighty. But even the best years are filled with pain and trouble; soon they disappear, and we fly away." My time here is limited. I have 50-60 years left, and then my opportunity to be the creature God made me to be here on this earth... That opportunity is gone. In the blink of an eye, I will fly away. 

But in understanding my purpose, I can live with intentionality every day, in every situation. I can be who I was made to be with a sense of satisfaction.

"I have called you. Therefore, go..." 

What has he called you to? Where will you go?


Lesson for today: Very few movie stores still have Quiz Show available for rent. It was made in 1994, which means it is just far too old to have on hand anymore.


Anonymous said...

Dearest Jess,

I sure wish I lived nearby, so I could give you a hug. What a godly woman you are -- and quite a role model to other young gals. I'm so proud of how you have surrendered your life to the Creator of the Universe!

And, BTW, your mom is tops in my book for passionately pursuing her purpose-in-life as a Life Coach® and sharing her wisdom with you.

May He continue to bless you abundantly,

Dr. Katie Brazelton
Founder, Life Purpose Coaching Centers International®