This is the Church...

Feb 10, 2010

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about this one moment that has been ingrained in my mind. Im not sure why I keep coming back to it, other than God trying to tell me something. Im pretty certain that I've already blogged about it, but I cant find the post. So, at the risk of repeating myself, here is the moment told (again?):

I was in Mexico. We were attending church, worshipping with well known songs, singing in Spanish. During the worship time, there were easels on the sides of the stage with paint, pencils, markers, and other art supplies for people to go up and create if God put something on their heart. I watched as one guy headed up there and drew until worship was complete and the pastor was making his way up to the pulpit. I couldn't tell what it was because I was too far, but I found myself staring at it during the service, wanting to know what picture God had spoken.

After the service, I went up and saw the picture. I talked to the guy and his explanation was simply, "This is the Church." The picture was of a man sitting on the floor in a prison cell. Above his head were shackles that had been opened. A shaft of light was coming in from his window shining on him, his cell door open. But he was just laying there. And he even looked comfortable.

"This is the Church." Its a picture of the Church we don't often see, but a picture I will never forget. How often do we find ourselves still sitting in bondage, even though in Christ our shackles have been removed and our door open? Even though Christ has set us free, we have to get up and move out that door. It is our responsibility to put one foot in front of the other. Too often, we let the world defeat us even though we are on the winning side. Too often, we find it more comfortable to sit within our own failures and sin. Too often, we deny the power of Christ by occupying our cell when he has given us access to the free world. I know I am guilty of it.

May we grab hold of the freedom that Christ has given us through his death and resurrection. May we never find ourselves willfully sitting confined when God has called us to the mountaintops with him. May we never turn back. "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5.1.


Lesson for Today: What is an "original copy"? We still can't figure it out.


Anonymous said...


Love ya, D