You are the Light of the World...

Nov 4, 2009

This week, Im on vacation. And Ive been reminded of a few things. First, Lucky Charms are as good as I remember them to be. And two large bowls for breakfast is never enough. Second, Walmart is universal. And third, I am blessed to live in Buffalo where the cold weather comes by the beginning of October.

But aside from those, I have also been thinking a lot about outreach and service while down here. And how much my generation loves to fight for social justice and help the poor. Its in. Its trendy. Its what we enjoy to do.

But serving others isnt enough. So many in my generation go out and help the poor once a week or find a project to help with every month, and walk away from completing a good deed to feel satisfied and fulfilled. Its almost as if, in a prideful way, we say, "Im so great for having helped that poor guy who couldnt have done it himself." This isnt what Christ has called us to.

He has called us to a holy life. All of our life must be set apart, not just the one hour a week we give to the needy. Our speech must be holy, our mind must be pure, our actions towards our middle class neighbor must reflect God's love. We have not only been called to serve, we have been called to holiness. And holiness cant be in a single aspect of one's life. It has to infiltrate it all.

You are the light of the world, Jesus told us. We need to realize that a light is light, through and through. No more picking and choosing what part of our lives we allow to be light, and what parts we will harbor darkness. Be light or be dark. For in today's world, picking both sides is as good as picking no side.


Lesson for Today: In a Pickle and Buzz Word are two very entertaining games.


Brandy said...

Right on my friend!