Want to Help?...

Nov 11, 2009

On Monday, we got a call from Pastor Eric of the Buffalo Dream Center. Every year, the BDC does Boxes of Love, a program that distributes food and toys to over 4,000 families in Buffalo. The toys and food are donated. Monday morning, he gets a call from Indiana, where a big bulk of their food donations for this program comes from. "We are so sorry - we won't be able to give you the food for Boxes of Love this year." Disappointed, but knowing God would pull through, Pastor Eric hung up. Later that morning, he gets a call saying over 8 tractor trailer-full loads of food are coming his way!

You see, Extreme Makeover Home Edition is in Buffalo this week. And every city they go into, they bring food to distribute to the charities within that area. Through a set of circumstances, the food is all going to the BDC (to be organized and then distributed) because no one else had the space to store all of that food. 

A few weeks ago, while having dinner with Pastor Eric and his wife, Michelle, he told us that he had warehouse space for Boxes of Love already. "Its so out of the ordinary. Every year, it comes down to the 11th hour before we find someone to donate warehouse space... I know something is coming because getting warehouse space this early is far from normal." Well, now he knows why.

Not only did one tractor trailer-full of food back out just in time for over 8 to come in, but he had more warehouse space than any previous year, earlier than any previous year. All because God knew they would need it to store the food in. The food that is needed for Boxes of Love will be distributed, and the rest will be given to charities all through the city.

This cant be done without help, though. Not only do they have to move all that food into the warehouse, but each tractor trailer is a hodge-podge of items. So it needs to be separated and organized. On top of that, they need volunteers to pack the bags for Boxes of Love.

If you want to be a part of this awesome opportunity, leave a comment or email me (jess.asbach@yahoo.com). I cant stress enough that, not only does the BDC NEED volunteers to make this happen, but you will be blessed beyond belief by being a part of this. Here is your chance to feed the poor as God calls us to do over and over again in His Word.

If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land the the LORD your God is giving you... give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the LORD God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to. Deuteronomy 15

God is all over this situation. To distribute food, toys, and joy in the Name of His Son is something He's all about. And He pulled through big time. Thats the God we serve.


Lesson for Today: No lesson. Other than God really is awesome. :)