On Your Mark, Priscilla...

Nov 18, 2009

Back to a Catalyst overview... Priscilla Shirer (daughter of Dr. Tony Evans who is definitely worth looking up and listening to) was the next speaker. A dynamic Bible teacher, Priscilla challenged us through the life of Joshua. From Joshua 3-5, she observed four characteristics of a strong leader:

1. Acting immediately in response to God
2. Acting fearlessly
3. Acknowledging the Presence of God
4. Anticipating God's miracles

Each one of those is a life lesson in itself, let alone trying to implement all four at once. But then, Joshua had years of watching Moses act those out before he was given the chance to demonstrate those traits in leadership. 

Can you imagine if all the leaders of our church worked at those four things? To act in response to God, and to act immediately and fearlessly. To acknowledge Who God is as we act, and His sovereignty over the situation. And to anticipate that He is going to work in a mighty, supernatural way. Think of a single situation in which all of us in some sort of leadership within our church were to act out those four. We would be an unstoppable force through which God would transform this community in a way we could only dream of.

We pray so hard and so long that God would work in this church and this community. Maybe He is just waiting for all of us to be the leaders He wants us to be - to act immediately and fearlessly, knowing He is in control, and expecting the miraculous - before He pours out His Spirit like a mighty flood over this Island and surrounding communities. Maybe we need to stop waiting for Him to be ready, and realize He is waiting for US to be ready.


Lesson for Today: I got 6 high fives today... It was a good day.


Anonymous said...

make that 7 high fives =) I love what God puts in your heart and your obedience to share it!!!


Brandy said...

Preach it sister! I have learned a boldness from you that I have not experienced before in the body of Christ. You KNOW what you KNOW. You walk it out, own it, believe it. Imagine the body's impact if we all knew the God we serve, obeyed, and moved....unstoppable force. Keep it coming.
And really, never knew Priscilla was Tony Evans' daughter.