Contented Expectancy...

Jan 4, 2010

Last week, as I was asking God some questions and waiting for the answers (which I am still waiting for, but I think thats His point...), He laid this term on my mind: contented expectancy. Im not sure if its even grammatically correct, but if God says it, what is grammar to disagree?

What does contented expectancy mean to you? A pregnant woman relaxing in a freshly painted nursery? A teacher watching his full-of-potential student try a problem one more time? An elderly widow looking at a picture of her late husband?

We understand content. And we understand expectant. But do we understand how they fit together? Maybe if I truly lived what I understood content to mean, and if I acted in a way that paralleled expectancy, then contented expectancy wouldn't be such a hard term for me to wrap my mind around.

As I continue to seek how I am to live this life with contented expectancy, I will keep you posted.


Lesson for Today: I've missed this kind of snow... 


Anonymous said...

I like that phrase!! :)...keep me posted...content, but waiting expectantly =)

love ya! D