We're in a war, ya'll...

Dec 9, 2009

So many thoughts today. All trying to converge into one post...

Last night, I had a really low tire. So we went and filled it up. Today, I was going to the Falls to run some errands. I got on the 190, and as I was getting up to speed, I found myself being very cautious and in tune with how my car was driving. I still wasn't sure if my tire had a significant leak in it, or if it just needed some extra air. With all the tire problems I've had with this car, I had no confidence in it. Hence, the slow driving. I thought about the times when I have confidence in my car. I get on the 190 and get up to speed as fast as possible. I hit the speed limit and keep going. But not today. Because I lacked confidence.

It was a simple moment, nothing the average car driver hasnt experienced. But in that thought, God revealed a truth to my heart. How often do you approach life timidly and at a slow pace because you have no confidence in Me? It hit me like a ton of bricks. Things I am facing in my life right now, I find myself walking cautiously and fearfully because I dont want to dive in until I know that its safe. But if I had confidence in the God of the Universe, what would stop me from going ahead, full speed? I thought of Perry Noble's message on the victory we have in Christ. Once Jesus rose again, God did not call us to go win the war. He already won. He simply called us to RUN UP THE SCORE. We've won. What's keeping us from running a risky play when were up 100 to none? 

As I came home and thought about it, I put on Tye Tribbet's song, "Stand Out." Listen to it, and read the lyrics. Let it raise up the warrior in you. We've won. Go after every opportunity and every situation with a confidence that shows your side has got the victory.

Sound the alarm!!
When the enemy comes in like a flood
The Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him.
I see the enemy coming in like a flood
in our houses, in our churches, in our families.
But what I dont see is the standard. People of God,
where's the standard at?
We in a war ya'll. Its time to stand Out!

Its about to go down. The battle has begun.
Its time for you to choose, whose side you gonna be on.
The devil is recruiting, temptin every man.
But he's already defeated, all we have to do is stand.
No time for mixing light with the darkness.
Be black or be white, no more shades of grey.
Be separated, be holy, no matter what you do, dont bow.
And even if you stand alone, stand anyhow.

Rise up!
Rise up people, put on your strength.
There's a war going on and we will win.
Stand up and fight, let the kingdom prevail.
With power and might, we will stand out.

Stand out! Be not conformed to this world.
Stand out! Be transformed, renew your mind.
Stand out! Just like the three Hebrew boys.
Stand out!

God is playin it cool, dont wanna rub nobody the wrong way.
Almost like were trying to fit in. Acting like we dont know the name.
Its time for us to stand out and go against the grain.
Forget tryin to be down, let the world know youve been changed.
How you gonna be the praise leader? But you listen to R & B?
And hip hop is on your ringtone? Im trynna tell you God aint pleased.
And since when did it become cool for you to live together unmarried?
Men with men?
Women with women?
Im tellin you God aint gon have it.

Its time to recognize.
The war its in disguise.
No time for compromise.
Wake up, open your eyes.
The devil is a lie.
You must be hot or cold.
You cant blend in the crowd.
Its time for God's people to 

Stand Out!

Little bit louder.
One more time!

We in a war people of God.
You don't have to fight, all you gotta do is stand.
Make some noise.
Having done all to stand...
Now stand people of God!

The way we approach life is directly correlated with our confidence in our Maker and Saviour. 


Lesson for Today: A reminder today that the small fact of living in a country where I speak the language is an incredible blessing.