That statement brought me freedom. I don't have to be as creative as the next person, I don't have to be ashamed of the arenas in which I may or may not be creative. I can stand on the idea that God has fashioned me with some element of His creativity.. But the thing is, it is up to me to use that creativity.
My job is to be creative. And there are so many times that I feel stuck within an idea, not sure how to crawl my way out of the box that only bad ideas reside in. But then I remember that God is the Creator of everything beautiful and wonderful. He is the one that gives us all the ideas we could ever need.
The danger is within labeling ourselves uncreative, finding comfort in safety and little risk. The thrill of creativity is taking a leap and landing somewhere you never thought you could take yourself to.
So, create. Lead. Risk. And see where you end up.